Traditionally used as supportive treatment in headache. Headaches due to congestion and a rush of blood to the head, neuralgia. Nervousness due to worry, sleeplessness or poor liver function.
Side Effects:
None known to date. Please note: Existing complaints may temporarily get worse when homoeopathic medicines are taken (initial aggravation). In such cases, a doctor should be consulted and the medication discontinued if necessary.
Adults: Unless otherwise prescribed, adults should take 4 tablets four times a day at 3-hourly intervals.
Children: Unless otherwise prescribed, children should receive no more than 2 tablets four times a day at 3-hourly intervals.
Take the Bioplasgen® No. 12 tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth. As soon as an improvement is felt, reduce frequency of use.