Vaping is linked to lung disease, the research says

By | January 27, 2020

According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, vaping or the use of e-cigarettes have long-term consequences of chronic lung disease. With the recent increase in fumes in young people, this finding is very worrying. Therefore, in this article we will talk about the risks of evaporation you may not know.

Damping damages the lungs within three years of use

Researchers found that after tracking e-cigarette users for three years and analyzing data that there was evidence of lung disease within that short period of time.

Stanton Glantz, senior author of the study and director of the University of California, Center for Research and Education in Tobacco Control, said:

“I was a little surprised that we could find evidence of lung disease incidents in the longitudinal study because three years is a while, but most studies looking at the development of lung disease take up to 20 years.”

Vapor and smoke pose a much greater risk

This information is especially important for those of us who smoke and smoke cigarettes. Since cigarettes are not completely given up, one is susceptible to higher risk factors to do both.

TIME magazine notes that the research found that “… e-cigarette users were at 1.3 times higher risk of developing lung disease than those who did not use any tobacco product. Meanwhile, cigarette smokers have a 2.5 times higher risk, and those who have both smoked and disappeared have a 3.3 times higher risk.

Vaping can in the long run have the same risks as smoking

Although research suggests that vaping can be safer than smoking, there is still much we do not know. We haven’t had e-cigarettes long enough to say that they are safer. Therefore, it is possible that in the future we will learn more about the risks of evaporation.

Co-author of the said study, Dr Glantz, acknowledged this and said: ‘Based on what we know about the biological effects of e-cigarettes, my guess is that if we followed these people for 20 years, cigarette effect would be similar [ with the risks associated with smoking]. “

We hope this information was helpful to you. If you want to stop smoking and evaporate, you can consult medical experts on our app for the best advice.

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